Tuesday, February 12, 2013

20101229 - Christmas gifts - handmade shampoo, soap and deodorant, condiments, food, disco ball, picture frame, license plate covers - IMG_2545

20101229 - Christmas gifts - handmade shampoo, soap and deodorant, condiments, food, disco ball, picture frame, license plate covers - IMG_2545
picture frame prices
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
That Moose Munch was delicious, but it seemed kind of pointless since the container said some exhorbitant price like on the bottom, and it was basically three bags of cracker jacks. Granted, this was the "prime cut" of cracker jacks, in three different flavors, but I'm really hoping it didn't really cost , because that's ridiculous.

Carolyn loved the toffee, but Clint doesn't like toffee.

We haven't eaten the jalapenos, hot sauce, and honey mustard yet. Long live brown mustard. Yellow mustard is not real mustard. It should be spelled musTURD

We hung the Monopoly lights up for Clint's party.

You can see the cherry skulls on the license plate covers, which went to Carolyn's car.

The homemade deodorant gets more confusing if you lose the label, think it's toothpaste, and then brush your teeth with it. Definitely felt fresher in my mouth. Never brushed my teeth with deodorant before.

We didn't really have a place for a 3rd disco ball -- but then I broke one putting away other Christmas gifts, so the 3rd disco ball replaced the 2nd one we had.

Flintstones stickers, Monopoly lights, caramel popcorn, cherry skulls, disco ball, homemade bath salts, homemade deodorant, homemade shampoo, homemade soap, hot sauce, jalapenos, license plate covers, mustard, picture frame, sugar container, toffee.

Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

December 26, 2010.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

Artistic Picture Framing
picture frame prices
Image by macwagen
At Lower Prices!

20120519 - yardsale booty - storage cube, digital picture frame - IMG_4216
picture frame prices
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
A digital picture frame (, 800x600 resolution) to replace the smaller ones that broke. The list price is . Unfortunately, despite being brand new, this frame is buggy. We schedule it to shut down at night. When it comes back up, the pictures on the thumbdrive just don't automatically display. You have to pull it out and put it back in again. I'm starting to think most digital picture frames do not live up to their promises. It may be because the USB thumb drive (16 gigs!!) perhaps shuts down after inactivity, and is not woken up by the frame coming back up. Maybe a 16G SDCard would work better. At least the 16G USB thumbdrive can be used for other purposes, and still has 9G free.

Meanwhile, the white cube 16x16x16" shelf was also . We stuck this under the kitties' new cat tree to reclaim some of the storage space the tree took away, as well as to increase the height of the tree to make it more enjoyable for the cats. I'm thinking about drilling some holes and bolting the cat tree to this, because right now a cinder block is being used as a balancing weight, basically removing cats' access from the lowest level of the cat tree.

digital picture frame, storage cube.
Ozzy Osbourne - I Am Ozzy. book. music: Ozzy Osbourne.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 19, 2012.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

... Read my yard sale-related blogposts at clintjcl.wordpress.com/category/yard-sales/

BACKSTORY: Full report of this yard sale expedition can be found at: clintjcl.wordpress.com/2012/05/26/journal-yard-sales-2012...

But in summary: 5hr22 min trip of 56mi spending .15 on gas & 52 purchases worth 0.69. 2/hr saved.

Keystone Picture Frame Co.
picture frame prices
Image by egp
Artistic picture framing at lower prices. Signs in store window downtown. (Moulding in more than one sense of the word.)

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